Monday, January 4, 2010

President's Parade 2009 - Troop

Band playing Beautiful Barbados & Mansion Over the Hilltop

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

Fellow Officers & Bandsmen

We have reached the end of another year and the beginning of wonderful and glorious things to come. 2010 promises to be an exciting and eventful year for the band. Many words of commendation may be given, but don't lose focus on the reason you are in the band, "To play with dignity, serve with intergity, win humanity". Remember our mission is to foster a high standard of discipline, character building and music development and to be a major instrument in spreading the gospel by making a joyful
sound unto the Lord.

I hope that you purpose in your hearts to really commit yourself to developing your musical talent(s) for the Lord. Don't only focus on your musical talent(s), but develop yourselves mentally and spiritually as well. Truly focus on God's plan for your lives this year and purpose in your hearts to be dedicated to Him.

Wishing you happiness and prosperity for this new year.

Yours in service,

Julius Sealy
Band Leader

Saturday, September 5, 2009

20th Anniversary of the Band - Mercy Said No

The Barbados Pathfinder Band 20th Anniversary Consecration Service & Love Feast - Jamal Forde & George McCallum on Tenor Sax playing "Mercy Said No" accompanied by Ps. Glenworth Joseph (Music Instructor)Bridgetown SDA Primary School. September 04th, 2009

20th Anniversary of the Band - That Name

The Barbados Pathfinder Band 20th Anniversary Consecration Service & Love Feast - Colin Thorne Jr. (Sax), Kyle (French Horn) & D'Angelo (Trombone) performing "That Name" accompanied by Darren Edghill (Bandsman & Cornet Player) at the Bridgetown SDA Primary School. September 04th, 2009